Build Cubes & Polycubes

Square set timbering in a silver mine, Virginia City, Nevada
Square set timbering in a silver mine, Virginia City, Nevada

Build shapes only with square faces.

  • What symmetries does a cube have?
  • What are tetracubes? How many are there? What is the Soma Cube and what are packing problems?
  • What are the Necker Cube, the Tesseract and The Kaaba?
  • What is square-set timbering? Where was it first used? What other shapes fill 3D space?
  • How and why did cubes influence the work of George Braque and Pablo Picasso?
  • What properties of the cube make it such a ubiquitous shape across the arts and sciences? What are the most iconic cubic objects?
  • How can you devise a game or puzzle using cubes as a fundamental feature?

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