Challenge Cards
Add structure to play and learning with ExaPlex. Each card connects building activities to STEAM concepts, historical context, and practical applications.

Build Animals & Creatures
Build models of animals and creatures with character and personality.

Build Archimedean Solids
Build regular convex polyhedra with faces that are regular polygons.

Build by Face Adjacency
Build shapes where the edges of triangular faces can only touch square faces and vice versa.

Build by Vertex Valency
Build shapes where each vertex (connector) can only be connected to certain other vertex types.

Build Crystals & Frameworks
Build models of natural and synthetic crystal and lattice structures.

Build Cubes & Polycubes
Build shapes only with square faces.

Build Cupolas & Rotundas
Build shapes with parallel polygonal faces connected with triangles, squares and/or pentagons.

Build Deltahedra
Build polyhedra where every face is an equilateral triangle.

Build Diamond Lattices
Build a tetrahedral network modeling the atomic structure of diamond.

Build Domes
Build a hemispherical structure that creates a roof above a space.

Build Dual Pairs
Build pairs of shapes where vertices of one correspond to the faces of the other.

Build Elevated Polyhedra
Build shapes with regular pyramids added to the faces of polyhedra.

Build Fractals
Build branching trees and shapes that repeat at different scales.

Build Helices & Chiral Shapes
Build spirals and shapes with left and right handed versions.

Build Foams & Honeycombs
Build models of cellular structures that mimic naturally occurring structural forms.

Build Johnson Solids
Build convex polyhedra with regular polygonal faces.

Build Mobiles & Hangings
Build decorative sculptures incorporating tension and balance.

Build Molecular Models
Build models of simple and complex naturally occurring and man-made molecules.

Build Nanostructures
Build models of naturally occurring and engineered nanoscale structures.

Build Pavilions
Build a scale model of an architectural design with people and flow in mind.

Build Platonic Solids
Build regular convex polyhedra with only one type of regular polygon.

Build Polygons
Build closed shapes that lie in a plane.

Build Prisms & Antiprisms
Build pairs of equal polygonal faces connected with squares or triangles.

Build Pyramids & Bipyramids
Build shapes with polygonal bases and triangular sides converging at a point.

Build Rings & Toroids
Build shapes with holes in the middle like a donut.

Build Sculptures
Build abstract structural forms that explore space and balance.

Build Snarks
Build connected networks and graphs with only 3-way connectors.

Build Snubs
Build snubbed geometries by transforming 2d and 3d shapes.

Build Space-filling Polyhedra
Build polyhedral models that fill 3d space with no gaps or overlaps.

Build Stacks & Chains
Build repeated units connected together.

Build Tetrahedra
Build the simplest polyhedron with 4 3-way connectors.

Build Tilings & Tessellations
Build connected shapes that fill the plane with no gaps or overlaps.

Build Totems
Build vertically stacked pieces that tell stories or have symbolic meaning.

Build Towers
Build models of multi-story buildings, support structures or transmission towers.

Build Trees & Graphs
Build connected nodes and vertices.

Build Trusses & Spaceframes
Build models of practical load bearing structures.